
The Open Source Hardware (OSH) tool is a CLI tool for OSH project linting, which is a technical quality assessment, according to a set of best practises.

The project to be evaluated needs to be present in folder on the local file-system, from which one runs osh, and in turn gets a list of potential issues with the project, to be fixed manually.

The result may look like this:

- [x] LICENSE exists
- [ ] OKH file exists
  - HEAVY - Open Know-How meta-data file (okh.toml) not found.
    Please consider creating it.
    See <https://github.com/OPEN-NEXT/OKH-LOSH/blob/master/sample_data/okh-TEMPLATE.toml> for a template.
- [x] README exists
- [ ] Might be generated
  - LIGHT - Possibly generatable files found. Please consider removing them:
    - flow.png
- [ ] Clean CAD files
  - LIGHT - File-format issue(s) with 'flow-exported.svg': generated/not source
  - LIGHT - File-format issue(s) with 'flow.svg': generated/not source
  - LIGHT - File-format issue(s) with 'flow.svg.2021_10_27_11_07_28.0.svg': generated/not source
  - LIGHT - File-format issue(s) with 'qrx.svg': generated/not source
- [ ] No sources in root
  - LIGHT - Source files found in root. Please consider moving them into a sub directory:
    - build.rs
- [x] No unwanted files
- [x] No space in file names

Further Reading